A Touch of Yum

A Touch of Yum

Cooking Shouldn't Be Crazy Making – Tips and recipes to make cooking fun


Never Enough Thyme

Thyme is probably my favorite herb. It’s one of the first plants to green up in my garden here in Minnesota. There have been years when I’ve picked it fresh from under the snow in November to use for the Thanksgiving feast. In the Spring, I’ve been known to get a little teary eyed when I run my fingers through the leaves, because we’ve survived another cold season.

Thyme is one of the most common herbs found in kitchens. It pairs well with other herbs, such as rosemary, bay and sage. It is usually used when cooking meats or soups. It adds an earthy flavor to food. Thyme can be used fresh or dried. The stems are woody and not edible. The leaves can be used whole or crushed or ground.

Fresh thyme and dried thyme are available for purchase at grocery stores year-round. Thyme is easy to grow, in gardens, and as a house plant. It requires good sunlight and consistent watering, but it doesn’t like its feet wet all the time. If it’s over watered, the roots will rot. Give it a good watering only when the dirt is completely dry.

I use thyme when I roast beef, chicken or turkey. I also add it to soups and spaghetti sauce. My husband uses it, along with other herbs, when he makes herb bread. It’s difficult to explain the scent of thyme, but I think it smells like fresh turned earth with a little bit of a salty tang. It’s almost like a bass note in a song. It gives structure and depth to the flavor profile you’re building, just like a bass line in music anchors the melody.


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